Jan Williams MS, JD, LCADC

Jan Williams MS, JD, LCADC
Licensed Addictions Counselor, with 28 years counseling experience and 30 years of recovery

Expert Help for Seniors with Drug or Alcohol Concerns

This site provides information and help for persons 50 or older who are concerned about their own, or someone esle's drug or alcohol use.

DUI DWI Alcohol Assessments

This site offers, for a reasonable fee, alcohol assessments by a licensed addictions counselor (who is also an attorney) for people with pending DUI or DWI charges, or people who are required for other legal reasons to get such an assessment

Friday, August 31, 2007

Daily Recovery Tip:

Friday August 31, 2007
The Twelve Step Recovery Programs for alcoholics and addicts are free; there is no catch; no one has a hand out for any reason other than to welcome you. However, the cost for membership IS high in terms of loss of relationships, jobs, homes, possessions, self-esteem, self-worth, friendships, pain, heartache, loneliness, to name a few. BUT, the costs just mentioned have a positive side to them; the consequences and pain help the addicted person to realize he/she needs help, which is the real key to open the doors to AA and NA.